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Autor: Maciej Zapiór
6 miesiecy. THX: Tomas Blaha. Wewnatrz kopuly slonecznego teleskopu.

Explanation: 6-month solargraph. Solargraphy camera was fixed on the inner side of the telescope dome. We can see the dome from the inside as well defined structure, but solar trails have no canonical shapes as we know from classic solargraphy images. The dome was following the Sun and then produced complicated shapes depending on season of the year and time of the day. Since solar trails appear only when the dome is open, I was able to inspect how many days my colleagues observed the Sun during 6-month period in the Ondrejov Observatory. More details:

Tagi: walec foma
Odsłon: 2321
Data dodania: 2017-01-09 11:37:48
Maciej Zapiór [2017-01-09, 11:38 ]