Ghost Town

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Autor: Donatien
Bristol City Centre Solargraphy
Location: Road sign turned around few times I guess so we have a view of two or three different locations...image is not quiet clear though...u can see the ghosts of the buildings and a fence moving about lol
Camera: Half 35mm film canister camera placed on the back of the sign post
Pinhole diameter: 0.18mm
Paper: Kodak Kodabrome F1M Glossy Expired
Exposure time: 09/2014-26/03/2017 so nearly 3 years oh ok 2.5 years lol I love it!
Scan: Epson Perfection V600 Photo

Tagi: #solargraphy #solarigrafia #soar #sun #trippleexposure #doubleexposure #suntraks #suntrials #sunpaths #sunproject #astrophotography #astrology #pinholecamera #estenopeica #cameraobscura #lightsensitivepaper #kodakpaper #kodak_photo #kodak #pinholephotography#pinhole #positive #delicious13solargraphy #longexposure #extremeexposure #twoandahalfyears #picoftheday #pictureoftheday #analoguefeatures
Odsłon: 1732
Data dodania: 2017-04-03 21:57:38